SkinTyte® with Sciton Broadband Laser


The SkinTyte® laser treatment is being used by Dr. Nichter to treat sun exposed areas such as the face, chest, neck, upper arms, hands, and breasts. He is also using it to improve scars and stretch marks.

The Sciton SkinTyte® uses broadband light with infrared technology to thicken the dermis and compacting the collagen while tricking the cells into acting more youthful, which ultimately results in vibrant, healthy more radiant skin.

Top 5 Characteristics of a Neck Lift


Dr. Nichter discusses the Top 5 characteristics of the neck that he evaluates for potential improvement.

  1. Amount of fat beneath your chin – younger patients may just need liposuction.
  2. Platysma bands – Located in the front of the neck. Muscles that separate and present themselves as 2 bands (a.k.a Number 11 bands).
  3. Amount of redundant skin – The amount of loose skin will determine if a surgical or non-surgical procedure is needed.
  4. Skin quality –  Skin texture, acne, age spots or sun spots, broken capillaries, volume or lack of volume, fine lines and wrinkles are all taken into consideration when assessing what treatment or procedure is necessary.
  5. Misc. features – A prominent mandibular gland or recessed chin

How Does the Sciton® Broadband Laser Work?


The Sciton® Broadband Laser is a skin rejuvenating treatment, which essentially tricks the skin cells into reproducing collagen and elasticity resulting in healthier more vibrant skin. In the above video, Dr. Nichter explains the science behind this innovation and how it is being used in his practice to treat a variety of skin issues such as fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, rosacea, ace, etc.