Dr. Nichter’s Ideal Implant Article Wins Best Paper Award

Dr. Larry Nichter has won a Best Paper Award for his IDEAL IMPLANT Structured Breast Implants: Core Study Results at 6 Years paper. The award comes from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

According to the ASPS, their Best Paper Awards are selected based on usage and sharing data about the papers, including “number of times sent by email and the number of times the article was added to a personal collection.”[1] This indicates that Dr. Nichter’s paper was among the most useful and shared of papers published by Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Dr. Nichter’s paper examined long-term outcomes for breast augmentation patients who opted for the Ideal Implant®. The Ideal Implant is a new type of saline breast implant with an internal structure that controls the flow of fluid within the implant. Ideal Implants thus have a more realistic feel, like silicone implants, but with the peace-of-mind advantages of saline.

The paper found a high rate of success and satisfaction among both patients and surgeons. It concludes: “Six-year results from 438 women show that the structured breast implant has high patient and surgeon satisfaction, a low rate of capsular contracture, and a low rate of rupture/deflation.”


  1. https://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg/pages/collectiondetails.aspx?TopicalCollectionId=381

The IDEAL Structured Breast IMPLANT® Implant Has Advantages Over Silicone Gel Implants

ideal-breast-implantNatural feel is not the only thing women care about. The FDA approved intact silicone gel implants as safe. However, if a gel implant ruptures the implant and any gel should be removed including the surrounding capsule (capsulectomy). IDEAL® IMPLANT offers women natural feel without the risk of silent rupture. Women value the advantages of IDEAL® IMPLANT over silicone gel:

Rupture Advantages

  • No silent ruptures
  • Saline absorbed, free Silicone Gel remains
  • No MRI needed to detect ruptures
  • Look in the mirror to know implants are intact
  • Easy to remove and replaced if ruptured

Filler Advantages

  • Only saline inside for peace of mind
  • Safety of saline
  • No silicone gel in the body

Clinical Advantages

  • Youthful shape/contour
  • Lower capsule contracture rate
  • Higher rupture strength
  • Low rupture rate

Dr. Larry Nichter featured in Time Magazine’s Article “Nip. Tuck. Or Else.”






Hitting newsstands today and Monday is an interesting article featuring Dr. Nichter and his patient, written by Joel Stein for Time Magazine, discussing the evolution of cosmetic surgery and it’s undeniable relevance in today’s world. The article titled “Nip. Tuck. Or Else” points out how thanks in part to social media we are now on the red carpet 24/7 posting pictures of ourselves on Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Vine, and more, so it’s imperative to look our best at all times. The social media frenzy is one reason why there has been a spike in the number of non-invasive procedures performed on the younger demographic.  It can certainly be said that no longer are cosmetic procedures just for the aging population.

Here is the full article – Nip. Tuck. Or Else.”

by Joel Stein 

Time Magazine Plastic Surgery Shoot You’re going to have to do it. And not all that long from now. Probably not a full-on, general-anesthesia bone shaving or muscle slicing.

But almost definitely some injections into your face. Very likely a session of fat melting in some areas and then possibly moving it to some other parts that could use plumping. Not because you hate yourself, fear aging or are vain. You’re going to get a cosmetic procedure for the same reason you wear makeup: because every other woman is.

No, it’s not fair that–in 2015, with a woman leading the race for the Democratic nomination for President–in addition to dieting, coloring your hair, applying makeup and working out, you now have to let some doctor push syringes in your cheeks just to look presentable. It’s not fair that you have to put your surgery on your credit card just so the other moms on the playground don’t overestimate your age. It’s not fair that you may risk your life going under general anesthesia just to keep up.

Then again, maybe it’s not fair that some women are born straight-nosed and full-breasted. That some people don’t have trouble staying thin. That workers with above-average looks will make $230,000 more over their lifetime than people who are in the aesthetic bottom seventh, as a study by University of Texas economics professor Daniel Hamermesh found. Maybe it doesn’t feel fair that a man is writing about this, even if more and more males are starting to feel the same kind of pressure that women have dealt with for decades.

“It’s becoming harder and harder to say no without being read as irrational or crazy,” says Abigail Brooks, the director of women’s studies at Providence College, who recently completed research comparing women who undergo antiaging interventions and those whom she calls “natural agers.” The former group described the latter using phrases like “let herself go” and “not taking good care of herself.” Brooks worries that that pressure is not only exhausting but also keeps women forever 21 emotionally. Continue reading “Dr. Larry Nichter featured in Time Magazine’s Article “Nip. Tuck. Or Else.””

Breast Enhancement Options Following Pregnancy

Dr. Larry Nichter discusses the options available to women wanting to restore their breasts following pregnancy. In most cases, women experience a loss of volume in the upper portion of the breast along with some level of sagging. The severity of these issues will determine the recommended procedure. Options range from breast augmentation, breast lift with augmentation or a California breast lift, which is a lift in conjunction with fat transfer to the breasts.

Sientra TRUE Texture™ Implants come with Unique Guarantee

sientraBreast implant maker Sientra has announced their Capsular Contracture Care Program, the first of its kind in the industry. The C3 Program provdes breast implant patients with a guarantee beyond the standard manufacturer’s warranty. From Sientra:

Under the C3 program, a primary augmentation patient will qualify for a free replacement implant if she requires revision surgery to correct Baker Grade III or IV capsular contracture within the first two years after implantation.

Capsular contracture is an unusual response of the body to medical implants, including all types of breast implants. It involves tightening of the tissues around the implant, which makes the breast feel firm to the touch and possibly alter its aesthetics.

Sientra’s TRUE Texture™ implants were found to carry a significantly reduced risk of capsular contracture compared to its smooth implants, according to a study published this month in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The analysis looked at more than five thousand implants over a five-year follow up process, providing a very robust set of data as a foundation for this finding. It is with this statistical confidence in the resilience of their textured implants against capsular contracture that Sientra introduces the C3 Program.

As with the implants themselves, Sientra’s C3 Program is only available through plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This is done to improve patient confidence even further — it ensures that surgical procedures using Sientra implants are only done by the most qualified doctors.

Dr. Larry Nichter is proud to offer Sientra’s implants at the Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery, as well as the C3 Program and the warranty that comes with all Sientra implants.

New FDA Approved Silicone Natrelle 410 Breast Implants

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new “gummy bear” silicone breast implant. The implants, whose official title is Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Gel Filled Breast Implants, are made by Allergan.

Image: FDA

The implants underwent seven years of research involving 941 women. The FDA’s conclusion from all this data is that the new silicone breast implants are safe and effective. The implants are now available for increasing breast size in women at least 22 years old, and for rebuilding breast tissue (reconstruction) in women of any age.

The approval comes with the condition that Allergan must continue post-approval research for five more years to ensure the safety and efficacy of the Natrelle 410 silicone breast implants. This does not mean that the safety of these implants is particularly in question, but rather reflects the high standards that medical devices of all kinds must meet to be approved in the United States.

The introduction of the Natrelle 410 silicone breast implant to the market is the most significant new approval since Sientra’s highly cohesive silicone gel implants last year. In the pipeline and hopefully soon to be FDA approved and released will be the innovative double-lumen saline Ideal Implant® with the feel of silicone but the safety of a saline implant. This alternative to traditional silicone breast implants is and will be available at the Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery.

Despite three decades of safety testing and monitoring of silicone breast implants, there is still a public perception that silicone breast implants are more toxic or dangerous than saline implants. The truth is that there has no known toxicity from silicone gel breast implants. In fact, silicone is one of the most common materials used in medical devices and implants. Read this article on the safety of silicone gel breast implants by Dr. Nichter for more information.

Dr. Larry Nichter is proud to offer the new Natrelle 410 silicone gel breast implant at the Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery. As board certified plastic surgeons with the highest qualifications, Dr. Nichter offers his patients the most advanced breast implants with confidence in their safety and performance.

Additional source: US FDA

Women’s Rights for Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy

The Federal Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 is still the law today.
Under the federal Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998, a yearly notification
of your benefits pertaining to breast reconstruction must be sent to you by your insurance company.
The Women’s Health Care Act states that benefits must be provided for:
  • Reconstruction of a surgically removed breast
  • Surgery and reconstrcution of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance
  • Prostheses and treatment for physical complications from all stages of a mastectomy, including lymphedema
These benefits are subject to the conditions and terms of your plan, including maximum benefit amounts, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance provisions. The benefits are subject to your plan’s exclusions and limitations.

IDEAL Structured Breast IMPLANT® feels more natural, new study finds

Women wanting breast augmentation have until now faced a dilemma: a choice between safer but less natural-feeling saline implants, and more natural-feeling silicone implants which are perceived to come with health risks.

The Ideal Implant®, a new breast implant soon to be made available to the public, promises to change all of this. The Ideal Breast Implant is a saline implant with the natural feel of a silicone implant made possible by its innovative double-lumen design. This design consists of a series of nested shells which control the flow of liquid inside the implants, giving them a more realistic feel than standard saline implants.

The Ideal Implant has completed its two-year trials with stunning results. Of the 472 women who came in for two-year follow-up examinations, patient satisfaction for those who received the Ideal Implant as their first implants was 94.3%. Satisfaction among women who received Ideal Implants as replacements for their previous ones was 92.3%. Surgeon satisfaction with the results was also high (96.5% for primary implants and 93.4% for replacements).

Dr. Larry Nichter, one of the surgeons assessing the new implants for the FDA, comments very favorably on the new breast implants in a press release by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery:

“The two-year clinical data from this study show that the Ideal Implant may provide a good alternative to current saline- or even silicone gel-filled implants. One of our most significant and unexpected findings was the low rate of capsular contracture for the investigational, double-lumen implant compared to current single-lumen saline implants.”

The Ideal Implant’s two-year statistics for capsular contracture were better than those for regular saline implants at one year, and none of the small number of deflations were caused by shell fold flaws.

As a further guarantee of quality and safety, the Ideal Implant will only be available through plastic surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, which is the only plastic surgery board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. This means that women who choose the Ideal Implant will automatically be choosing from among the best plastic surgeons in the United States.

To receive updates about the ideal implant or to be placed on Dr. Nichter’s waiting list for the procedure, please contact our office using the form below.

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New Breast Implant on U.S. Market

Dr. Larry Nichter of the Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery would like to make prospective breast augmentation patients aware that the FDA has approved a new silicone gel-filled breast implant made by Sientra, Inc. for use in the United States.

The implants will be available for women at least 22 years old seeking augmentation surgery, and women of any age seeking breast reconstruction surgery.

Silicone gel-filled breast implants are medical devices implanted under the breast tissue or under the chest muscle for breast augmentation or reconstruction. These implants have a silicone outer shell that is filled with silicone gel. They come in different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells.

This approval introduces a third company into the U.S. breast implant market, which previously consisted only of Allergan and Mentor.

The deputy director for for science at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Dr. William Maisel, commented that although silicone gel-filled breast implants have demonstrated consistent safety, “It’s important to remember that breast implants are not lifetime devices. Women should fully understand risks associated with breast implants before considering augmentation or reconstruction surgery, and recognize that long-term monitoring is essential.”

The approval of these new implants follows a 3-year study involving clinical trials of the implants on 1,788 women.

As a condition of the approval, Sientra will carry out five- and ten-year studies into the long-term health effects of their implants.

Source: FDA – FDA approves new silicone gel-filled breast implant